Do you offer consultations to first-time visitors?


Absolutely! Our initial consultation will help set a treatment plan suited to your needs and preferences whether it is a complete removal or lightening. Every tattoo is different, from the size and age to the inks and colors used. It all affects how long full tattoo removal will take.

Laser tattoo removal step by step


  • Consultation: Before the procedure, you’ll have a consultation with a specialist to discuss your medical history, skin type, and the specifics of your eyebrow tattoo.
  • Preparation: The area around your eyebrows will be cleaned, and you might be given protective eyewear. A topical anesthetic cream may be applied to minimize discomfort.
  • The Procedure: The laser technician will pass the laser device over your eyebrows, emitting light pulses. You’ll feel a sensation similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin.
  • Duration: Each session typically lasts between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the eyebrow tattoo.
  • Pain Management and Anesthesia: Topical anesthetics are commonly used to numb the area. In some cases, local anesthesia or pain relief medications might be recommended.

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?


Picolaser makes it possible for your body’s immune system to carry away the tattoo ink by breaking it down into smaller and smaller fragments.

Once the particles of ink have been broken down enough, the body’s white blood cells are able to gradually dispose of the pigment.


The full spectrum of colored tattoo inks to remove blue and green inks. Pico laser treatments are safe and will not permanently damage your skin.

Can you remove part of a tattoo?
We can absolutely remove a portion of a tattoo or lighten a tattoo. Roughly 50% of our patients come in to have their tattoos lightened in order to get a cover up. Getting your tattoo lightened before receiving your coverup helps the tattoo artist, and allows the patient to be able to choose a tattoo design that they really want. Lightening a tattoo for a coverup generally only requires a few treatments, unless we are lightening a double tattoo or a coverup. These types of tattoos have higher ink density, so they will require more treatments, but can absolutely be treated successfully!

Does tattoo removal hurt?
Tattoo removal is painful. It is more painful than getting a tattoo. The sensation is often described as a rubber band being snapped on your skin repeatedly. It is uncomfortable, but bearable. With that being said, the removal process doesn’t need to be painful. At our office we offer a few options for patient comfort, topical numbing cream, lidocaine injections, and ice packs. You may choose to use any or all of these options depending on your preference. Patients that choose one of these options report that they felt very little sensation to no feeling at all.

Laser tattoo removal aftercare instructions


  • No sun exposure or tanning
  • No laser hair removal, chemical peels, botox or fillers within 24 hours of treatments
  • No makeup or products for 72 hours post-treatment
  • Apply any prescribed or recommended ointments or creams.
  • Keep the area clean and dry.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and use a high-SPF sunscreen to protect the treated area.
  • Refrain from picking at any scabs or blisters to prevent scarring.
  • Complete healing typically takes several weeks.
  • Multiple sessions, usually spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart, are often necessary for complete removal.


How painful is laser tattoo removal?


Laser tattoo removal is the most effective process available. Any method that claims to be pain-free is not actually doing much to remove the ink from the skin, whereas more painful tattoo removal methods are likely to cause long-term damage and permanent scarring.

Our Picoway tattoo removal method causes less pain than most other tattoo removal techniques. It’s also faster, meaning less time spent undergoing the minor pain of tattoo removal. Some people say that the procedure feels similar to getting a tattoo, but for a much shorter duration. A cooling anesthetic can also be provided to alleviate discomfort.

How often should I come in for treatments?



The frequency of treatments varies depending on your individual goals and the type of service. The perfect removal of a tattoo is dependent on many factors like, how old the tattoo is, its depth, its colour, the ink particle size that was used, and what type of skin tone it’s on. During your consultation, we'll recommend a treatment schedule that best suits your needs.

we see most tattoos disappear in 6-9 treatments spaced about 8-12 weeks apart.

Will the laser leave a scar?
It is highly unusual for the laser to scar a patient. Oftentimes the process of getting a tattoo can leave a scar. We like to assess the tattoo beforehand to look for any scarring caused from tattooing. If there is scarring in your tattoo it will make it a little harder to remove the ink from within the scar tissue.

Are there any side effects?

PicoSure laser tattoo removal has few side effects, which normally include some temporary skin whitening and a sunburn-like sensation. Most people are able to resume their normal activities immediately following treatment without experiencing any downtime. We will provide specific aftercare instructions at your tattoo removal session.

What to Expect During PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal


Six to eight appointments are typically needed to remove the average tattoo, although the exact number will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Some people say that the procedure feels similar to getting a tattoo, but for a much shorter duration. A cooling anesthetic can also be provided to alleviate discomfort.

  • Aftercare
  • Poor aftercare is also attributed to scarring after tattoo removal. Right after you have a Piqo4 laser tattoo removal session, we apply Tegaderm (“second skin”) to your tattoo. You must keep this “second skin” on for as long as the tattoo is irritated and or has broken skin. This will protect it from getting dirty or infected. We also place an icepack on the treatment area to soothe the skin.

  • Ice Packs
  • You may reapply ice packs as needed for pain and inflammation. Ice Packs the first 24 hours greatly reduce the risk of blistering after tattoo removal. The first 24 to 48 hours following your treatment we ask that you don’t go into a swimming pool, or sauna, and no vigorous exercise or sweating.

  • Sun Exposure
  • No sunlight on the treated area, and wear sunblock when outside. The treatment area will be irritated after the laser. It is best to keep it covered and or wear sunblock when outside. This will allow your skin to heal properly.

  • Blistering
  • Blistering is common after tattoo removal. If you have broken skin, scabs, or blisters please do not pick at them to prevent scarring. You should also leave the Tegaderm (second skin) on until it falls off to protect the area if your skin is broken or blistered.

    How many treatments to remove my tattoo?
    There are many things to take into account when removing a tattoo:
    – Ink color(s).
    – Is it a layered tattoo, or a coverup?
    – The health of the patient’s immune system.
    – Fitzpatrick skin type.
    – Is the tattoo scarred?
    – Where is the tattoo located on the body?
    – Is it a professional or amateur tattoo?
    – What type of ink was used?
    For more information on these factors please click this link to our blog post about how many treatments it will take to remove a tattoo.